

演员: David Fandila


更新时间: 03-13 02:10

资源状态: 可播放



食品公司 迈克尔·波伦、埃里克·施洛瑟 8.5
1. 永远/ 10-10
6. 罗马风情画/ 05-20
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




斗牛士原名:The Matador,

The epic tale of David Fandila's quest to become the world's top-ranked bullfighter.  We follow David Fandila, "El Fandi" (1981- ), in 2003, 2004, and 2005, three bullfighting seasons in Spain, as he seeks to become the 13th person in history to kill 100 bulls in a season. His older brother dedicated his life to being David's second. He sees little of his fiancée. His parents al...

花多有时 2012-07-19


花簇桑 2009-09-20

给日本人拍的话 *牛就会可爱很多