




大数据看吧 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



仿佛 Ivandro Cá、Cris Gomes
1. 屏幕/ 06-22
2. 8号标/ 10-29
3. 不朽之魅/ 12-05
4. 视线向下/ 03-21
6. 共谋失忆症/ 11-19
7. 太阳狗/ 12-10
8. 欢乐谷/ 01-01
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
11. 孤注一掷/ 02-02
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05





E-Ticket is a frantic re-cataloguing of a personal archive and a vehicle for the re-birth of forgotten images. 35mm still photographs are obsessively tape-spliced together, one frame at a time, in evolving rhythmic patterns – views shift between a school trip to India and culminate in documentation of a violent 2005 protest at a World Trade Organization summit in Hong Kong. A r...

胤祥 2021-05-23

#2021TIDF# 華人紀錄片獎入選。前入围2019IFFR Ammodo Tiger Short Competition。对个人档案影像的再创作。闪瞎眼……但是真的很**啊。另外学习了一下2005韩农反世贸**……真是看电影长知识……

btr 2019-03-23

#HKIFF 二维码式的图像里扫出有点躁的电子乐。

Kiyoko 2019-12-26


何阿嵐 2019-12-26

A film sixteen thousand splices in the ******. E-Ticket is a frantic (re)cataloguing of a personal archive and an opportunity for rebirth to forgotten images. 35mm photo negatives and moving pictures (taken during the artist's formative years) are obsessively cut apart, reshuffled then tape spliced together inch by inch in rigid increments. Fragmented views swipe between a school trip to India then culminate with a protest of a 2005 World Trade Organization summit in Hong Kong. ** photographs may have all be cut up and mixed around but at least they’re all in one place now. A retelling of Dante's Inferno for the streaming age; a ******* of modern cloud.

大熊不拖延 2019-12-26


酱之 2020-05-25


匣中猫 2021-05-17


忘却花草 2021-05-22


布谷卟咕 2020-03-26

vitality experienced only in experimental film

Mr. Lei 2021-05-17

【TIDF 2021】极端实验的短片创作,还好时间不长,否则能否坚持看完是个问题