电梯原名:Elevator,创作于**尼亚地区,具有**尼亚语语言版本。由George Dorobantu执导,并由Gabriel Pintilei任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2008公映。
A boy and a girl, both teenagers, want to get away from the world and be alone for a while, so they hide in an abandoned factory on the outskirts. But there they fall in a trap of their own intention, and get stuck in the cargo elevator. There is no one around to hear them, and nobody knows their whereabouts. Tension arises after each failed attempt to escape, while they also h...
该片到处可见惊悚、悬疑、恐怖等元素,而暗含古怪的电梯更是成为整个诡异**的连接点。该片也有别于其他中国恐怖片单纯制造恐怖场景的传统,在传神特效场景的基础上更加着重表现人物由心而生的恐惧,****惊悚片的风范。该片在原创故事之外,还吸收了一些经典恐怖影片的经典桥段。例如手术室大门敞开,血波汹涌而至的场面令人想起库布里克的《闪灵》 。
该片凌冽的剪辑和紧张的配乐声,让悬疑、惊恐的气氛弥漫其中,随着死亡的接踵而来,在“你也有今天”的鬼声***悬疑剧情推到极致 。