Devices and Desires
Roy Marsden stars in a six episode version of a P.D. James Commander Adam Dalgliesh mystery. This is a very intense mini series set on the Norfolk coast of England involving a Nuclear facility and a serial murderer. The cast includes several outstanding players in addition to Marsden, most notably Susannah York and Gemma Jones. Kate Beckinsale appears in a short sequence in epi...
Mon 2023-02-21
改编自P. D. James在*****出版的Adam Dalgliesh侦探小说系列的同名原著 Devices and Desires,剧版一共六集,比较慢热,但剧中探讨的一系列社会问题:核电安全、****、环境保护、单亲家庭等在二十几年后的今天看来依然很有现实意义,男主演Roy Marsden在这部中的表演非常平和理性,在乡村暂居的警探与邻里交往的日常很美好,剧末他和友人牵手漫步在海边的场景很有爱,他在这部中的完美表演让Adam Dalgliesh这个人物自此在我心中有了脸
白亦桃 2017-11-06
鬼知道这剧有多难下,下了有半个月才磨下来。画面风格and叙事完全不是我的菜,看这剧只为Robert Hines,可惜剧里他的颜简直在逗我,大耳环,爆炸头,闪瞎我的眼。而且演技也just soso,台词根本就是在背…,难怪最后没戏可演,浪费了一张好脸。网上可搜到的资料寥寥无几。