Development Hell在线观看和下载

Development Hell(2007)

别名:Development Hell: Revisit / 《十月围城》幕后纪录

演员: 陈可辛 陈德森 安德鲁·摩根 苏照彬 杨淇

上映时间:2007-04(香港国际电影节) / 2010-04-16(香港版蓝光)

更新时间: 04-02 22:03

资源状态: 可播放

《Development Hell》下载资源

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《Development Hell》剧情内容介绍

《Development Hell》


Development Hell原名:Development Hell,又名Development Hell: Revisit、《十月围城》幕后纪录

Development Hell is a documentary detailing the horrible decade of disasters that surrounded the production of Dark October (which was released in 2009 as Bodyguards and Assassins) by Applause Pictures (a company founded by Teddy Chen the director and Peter Chan, director of The Warlords). It follows Chinas equivalent of "George Washington", Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the man responsible...

kinder23 2020-08-09
