Delia Derbyshire the Myths and the Legendary Tapes在线观看和下载

Delia Derbyshire the Myths and the Legendary Tapes(2018)

演员: 卡罗琳·凯兹




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《Delia Derbyshire the Myths and the Legendary Tapes》剧情内容介绍

《Delia Derbyshire the Myths and the Legendary Tapes》


Delia Derbyshire the Myths and the Legendary Tapes

Delia Derbyshire.The Myths +The Legendary tapes is an unconventional portrait of an unconventional British electronic music pioneer and explores the idea that this extraordinary composer lived outside of time and ***** as other people experience it.

Kateyameng 2020-10-16

很特别 很特别的是导演自己去演绎 崇尚个人而不是女权 她的一生有很多的挣扎 但一生大多时间都与声音为伍 为声音痴狂 压力来自于*** 也来自于自己 她是传奇 她值得最后给予的纪念 Derbyshire Street