Unfiltered and crude in the most messy way. Asia certainly presents a very realistic madness and chaos that only people who experience or observe it closely can translate into film. The last scene where she got pushed around in the crowd with the band's music is mesmerizing.
Yixin ZHANG 2010-02-21
汉尼拔巴卡 2017-10-13
遭受哈维·韦恩斯坦**的意大利女演员艾莎·阿基多在发表控诉****://t.**/ROihxEz之余,也在**上分享了一个视*。她在1999年导演了一部叫作《Scarlet Diva》的电影,其中有一幕戏是一位肥胖**的制片人在宾馆里要求女主角(阿基多本人饰演)对他进行**,然后
UrthónaD'Mors 2012-05-25
阿基多这个眼袋女。。。一看就很风尘又**还寻什么寻 囧
Grawlix 2024-04-10
Unfiltered and crude in the most messy way. Asia certainly presents a very realistic madness and chaos that only people who experience or observe it closely can translate into film. The last scene where she got pushed around in the crowd with the band's music is mesmerizing.
唐老鸭鸭子 2010-10-28
晕晕乎乎看完了 摄影和剪辑都不错 feel也到了 只是她的电影怎么都这样啊 压抑 痛苦 却又叫**罢不能
Dita 2013-08-05
我为什么会下这片子= =!还以为下电影下错了**!!!那色调真太伤眼!!!
字母君 2023-06-23
Asia Argento逐梦演艺圈,前metoo**的自传小品,但美学上有点像剥削味十足的早期费拉拉。
与碟私奔 2018-06-18
【补標】DVD-5 【2021-1-1下载截图再看】
超人叔叔 2018-07-29
有点半自传式感觉的血色歌姬 艾莎阿基多玩起恶趣味来不输她爹 放到现在来看可以当成早期的#MeToo电影 从BETA带新修复的源效果算不错了
mills 2021-07-08