

别名:Way to Your Neighbor / PUT K SUSJEDU



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1. 怪鸟/
5. 扑通/
6. 舒缓的音乐/ 12-01
7. 洞和木塞/ 12-01
8. 相册/ 12-13
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




到邻居家的路原名:Put Susjedu,又名Way to Your Neighbor、PUT K SUSJEDU

An animator's sarcastic response to the current political situation in the world.  Typical of a Nedeljko Dragic film, the punch line is set up perfectly as a man dresses for just another day at the office.  1982 First Prize (in category), Chicago  1982 First Prize (in category), Zagreb  1982 Special Jury Diploma, Lille

Vini_Kazma 2012-07-14

【5-1】An animator's sarcastic response to the current political situation in the world.