胆搏胆原名:膽搏膽,又名Revenge in Hong Kong
One means to encourage a blood-thirst in routinely staid viewers is to ****** victims that could be one of them, and then finish off the victim in the most repulsive manner possible. To that end, Revenge in Hong Kong first shows how the son of a super-rich Hong Kong businessman is a disgusting combination of voyeur and sadomasochist, hiding his weird afflictions from the world....
影带收藏老者 2017-10-26
菲林时光** 2023-06-07
血魔夜莺 2024-07-10
vcd版本 报复式电影,画质很一般,纯剧情。目前找到的vcd版本只有88分钟,正在找寻台版vhs完整版