

演员: David A. Gregory Dan Amboyer Kesav Wable



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老师,别哭 董钒、王浩宇
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 6.0
1. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
2. 坠落的审判/ 12-25
3. 悟·空/ 06-04
4. 默杀/ 09-18




待磨百合原名:Lily in the Grinder,

Ryan struggles to find meaning in his provisional existence, exploring *** and death and the idea of 'becoming something.' This surreal film, enveloped in a classical string quartet piece, is a rumination on death, time, and the nature of existence. It posits the idea of a human life as a static, ****-dimensional entity that exists at a specific moment in time and cannot be sai...

[已注销] 2020-09-10

Life, death. Time, existence. Love, loneliness. 更像艺术短片,配乐,蒙太奇,摄影,构图,对白,都极其艺术。还要额外给颜值满分的男主小哥多一星,真是无死角啊~~~~