刑警档案原名:Dagli archivi della polizia criminale,
An incredible spy story set in Tunis but actually shot in Rome and the surroundings. It has no meaning and no script. The actors are simply ridiculous and seem to be on the set by chance. I can hardly write about playing, since nobody seemed to play, they just stared at the camera and spoke. An ultra-low budget movie, so silly yet not funny. I recorded it on TV (very late at ni...
AlviseCagnassi 2021-05-28
73年的片子拍出60年代的感觉 逻辑混乱 剧情** 除了男主和戈登米切尔 几乎没有一张熟脸 用最烂的阵容拍最烂的片子 意式警匪片之耻 开头一群人扫射一个白西装男人,一滴血都没出,敷衍成都可见一斑