大爱晚成原名:Trois fois 20 ans,又名Late Bloomers
the film, like all romantic comedies, revolves around a man and woman who love each other but are complete opposites. So, despite their strong feelings, Adam and Mary split up in order to rediscover each other. But our protagonists are not the usual 20 or 30-year-olds, but 60-somethings. These lively 60-odd-year-olds brilliantly juggle children, grandchildren, work and friends ...
扬科夫斯卡娅 2021-10-15
diao人 2016-08-28
米多多卜拉斯基 2022-11-21
律师老头的话,是特属于老年人的智慧幽默,两句话而已,后劲很足😜 “看到年轻人这么笨, 总是让人欣*!”
哒哒哒 2022-02-04
金 2022-12-11
意识到自己衰老的细节很赞 站起来前下意识摸扶手 公交车上有人给让座 再就业却被剥削做志愿者或者烤蛋糕 想和年轻人工作 不愿意给老人设计东西 掩藏颈纹 自己母亲的老去 自己孩子的长大 60-80岁充满了智慧和经验但无用武之地 很明亮轻快但探讨了老年危机 老人是社会的黄昏 但却是每个人要经历的未来
屠夫 2012-07-12