错误逮捕原名:False Arrest,
A luxury home, a handsome husband and terrific children. But it all comes crashing down when she is accused of being a mastermind behind a brutal triple-homicide and is arrested and handcuffed in front of her own children. A gripping story of passion and betrayal as a woman fights to clear her name and avoid the death penalty for a crime she didn't commit.
eminemheaton 2013-11-19
很早****放过,没什么印象了,记得还行~ 观影日期: 961119(6) 961112(6)
dark knight 2013-11-04
很早****放过,没什么印象了,记得还行~ 观影日期: 961119(6) 961112(6)
Pascal 2021-08-19
在tubi上看的,有一些审讯过程中的专有名词看不太懂,不知道能不能找到有中文字幕的版本再看一遍。说是真实**改编,但是感觉第一阶段审判过于草率,不过后面有说是辩护律师有意为之。 整部电影节奏有些慢,拖出来190多分钟的长度,实在是汗颜,并且只讲到女主成功**,还没有对那些坏人定罪,感觉很遗憾。