

演员: Tony Austin Taylor Carman Leah Chase




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存在于世原名:Being in the World,

Once upon a time there was a world full of meaning, focused by exemplary figures in the form of gods and heroes, saints and sinners. How did we lose them, or, might they still be around, in the form of modern day masters, in fields like sports, music, craft and cooking. Are these masters able to inspire us and bring back a sense of wonder, possibly even of the sacred?

海蜇果冻 2019-09-30

"Men can embody the truth, but he cannot know it." 教育哲学课上看的片子

proletaricat 2019-01-20

decent primer on Being and Time and some small Heidegger essays, featuring some of North America's leading Heideggerians (around the Burt Dreyfus group)

NARUMI 2015-02-21


dodoDoreen 2013-11-30

The thing is, the computers don't give a ****, we human beings give a ****

apocalY*ptic13 2014-02-14

I sometimes give a **** to things I don't give a ****

shuusenyo 2023-09-22

海德格爾哲學的living sample,達到忘我的境界,才是最好的、超越自己的狀態

阿陶. 2017-01-25


ZYN 2019-12-16

Heidegger果然还是很难以纪录片的方式呈现出来,有些差强人意。不如去读Dreyfus的being in the world或者all things shining。

任之GPT** 2019-07-15

用木匠、厨师、音乐家的技艺来类比海德格尔哲学的概念。比如说乐器是音乐家手的延伸,懂得乐器是会用乐器而不是单单知晓一堆关于乐器的物理化学知识,这基本上跟海德格尔的锤子是一个意思。有 Dreyfus、Wrathall 这样的巨擘,主要可能还是围绕 Dreyfus,连题目都可他的书同名。总感觉如果拍一部讲庄子的纪录片也可以这么搞,毕竟庄子也总以匠人为近道。

ddddddxdd 2023-10-21

作为Heidegger inspired philosophy这么abstruse的理论的纪录片,it’s an excellent excellent introduction or even demonstration.