城市變奏曲:無限郊區化的後果原名:Sprawling from Grace: The Consequences of Suburbanization,
A documentary feature film about the unintended consequences of suburban sprawl. It illustrates the importance of altering the course of how we develop our nation's cities. It communicates the dangers of continuing to invest in the inefficient horizontal growth patterns of suburban communities, and details how they threaten to bankrupt the remaining wealth of our nation. It exp...
Jingqiu 2020-02-26
拍得太差,像一篇充满了quotation的**一样 | 真实,想起每次去纽约的破火车+不会开车,日常犹如二等**的自己 | 中国的机动车辆还是赶快控制一下吧,不要再跟风美国了,拜托..
Eire 2012-04-10
能源紧缺加之后起中国抢夺世界能源市场对美国造成致命威胁, 但他们也百步笑五十步地等待中国人往他们既往的圈子里跳. 最后提出的办法还是由于各类历史限制不尽如人意. 觉得公共建设从来就是限制城市功能自由发展的因素, 如果让城市建设变为私有化市场将会更加灵活有生机.但为什么人家荷兰就是很协调.