

演员: 山姆·尼尔 格列塔·斯卡奇 约翰·哈格里夫斯 凯瑞·福克斯 Michael Blakemore


更新时间: 09-19 07:14

资源状态: 可播放



制暴 法哈德·法西尔、凯瑟瑞·苏雷什
末路狂花钱 贾冰、谭卓 5.7
1. 老板娘3/ 08-30
2. 学爸/ 10-14
3. 地狱尖兵/ 06-04
4. 极寒之城/ 10-05




乡村生活原名:Country Life,1994年剧***情类型片,创作于****地区,具有英语语言版本。由Michael Blakemore执导,并由迈克尔·布莱克莫尔任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位山姆·尼尔、格列塔·斯卡奇、约翰·哈格里夫斯、凯瑞·福克斯、Michael Blakemore等著名实力派明星加盟。于1994-10-27公映。


When prodigal son Alexander returns to his homeland in rural Australia, he not only brings with him beautiful English wife Deborah , but a whole lot of baggage that seems to weigh down the perception of his past. Settling into the dusty sheep station where his loyal and hardworking family have lived for generations, it is not long before the interminable flies and heat of the h...

赱馬觀♣ 2012-09-23

Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920's