废柴联盟 剧本朗读原名:Community Table Read,
A ***** read of the Community episode 'Cooperative Polygraphy' (Season 5, episode 4). The original cast reunited, with an added member, Pedro Pascal, who fills in for the role of 'Mr Stone' (previously played by Walton Goggins, on the show). Dan Harmon and Jim Rash also star in the ***** read, with Harmon reading directions and notes, and Rash filling in for some 'extras' as we...
高城未婚妻 2022-10-11
朋友们!!!!!!A movie要拍了!!!!!!!
李燃(萌芽版 2021-12-07
stanza 2022-02-08
到底會不會有電影呢? 讓我們繼續期待
俘心 2021-12-08
看完朗读,觉得超有意思。B站有资源。 剧本真的很精彩啊,文字版能体会到另一层面的意思。 相比剧集里的Here you *****,朗读版让我爆笑……
・ࡇ・吱枝 2024-02-08
右牵黄 2023-03-23
感动 troy都那么大牌了还能来***😭😭😭
Abed没有c 2021-03-19
hook 2022-09-20