穿蓝色制服的女人原名:Women in Blue,
Documentary follows the stories of the women police officers in Minneapolis who try to reform the department and restore trust in the community after a high-profile police shooting forces its first female chief to resign.
[Deleted] 2020-11-15
4月Tribeca有上映?加入了George Floyd内容(或许造成原有的删减),探访明尼阿波利斯警局简直是对今年BML和警察执法最迅速直接的解读,只可惜因此分散减弱了女性警察对缓解****印象努力的论点
盖被子的猫 2021-02-21
What deserves ** empathy is not how hard it is for women to be cops, what the film forgets to ask is how hard it is to live in a world where women choose to be cops under the disguise of helping people and fooling their daughters what strength is. There isn’t even the decency to care about - what gives George Floyd’s daughter strength?