A documentation of a live performance at New York University, Pryings is a graphic exploration of the physical and psychological dynamics of male/female interaction, a study in control, violation and resistance. The camera focuses tightly on Kathy Dillon's face, as Acconci tries to pry open her closed eyes. Dillon resists, at times protecting her face or fighting to get away. L...
可溶化的鱼 2024-08-06
Kathy Dillon与Vito Acconci之间的私人关系为现场表演增添了一种僭越公共与私人领域的力量,观众被两**力关系之间的转置或角力所吸引,在礼貌地坐在座位上的同时,成为暴力行为的目击者。他们被动式地观看着自己对一场**式的性别角色展示的观看,几乎与典型的家庭节目无异。1971年,在**厄姆的协助下,阿孔西将在《索取》(Claim)一剧中进一步夸张化男性的侵略性。