切尔茜有话说原名:Chelsea Does,
This ****-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and universal fascination: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs. The Festival will premiere one installment of the series with clips from the other three installments, followed by an extended Q&A with Chelsea Handler, Director Eddie Schmidt, and Executive Producer Morgan Neville...
funny_vee 2020-07-14
SingLesinger 2016-02-07
Webboy 2016-01-24
三盆费耳朵夫人 2016-02-03
不是非常喜欢chelsea的个性 女权和**到最后并不是不需要男人以及说话直接到可以不顾对方的感受 你可以** 但这跟做一个温和的人并不矛盾 过于锋利可以是她的性格 但不值得当作卖点
Shu 2016-01-26
Snail McNeil 2016-02-12
豆咪 2019-03-07
小考拉 2021-08-15
觉得有很多和Chelsea像的地方,到肯定是没人家的精力体力,为什么四十岁长得跟我妈六十岁一样。racism唉why the ****. It just keeps repeating. 今年刚好有补课LA riot。not much of a depth.. As She said, just touched on the topic. Not as funny as Killer Mike. Could be shortened to 45 min per episode更紧凑。这态度还行
马戏团的STONE 2020-05-11
现实还是挺残酷的 但至少还挺真 还有就是Chelsea总是把人问到尴尬
Rune 2016-01-24
从什么时候开始喜欢看这种中年妇女的碎碎念 不过还是Inspiring