超人原名:Maxhumain,又名Super Human。1999年短片类型片,创作于比利时地区,具有法语语言版本。由Carlos Reygadas执导,
Super Human, a six minute, 20 second short, deals with ******* (a popular subject in his features) and Reygadas's own questions regarding God. It opens with a narration. The main character remembers a conversation he had with his mother: If you commit ******* should you go to heaven? (Reygadas has said in interviews he feels it's a ***** human capacity to end our lives if we wa...
37.2 2021-08-24
短片就看出reygadas果然很有想法 / 所有作品一直贯穿了几个母题 都很自传性
字母君 2018-07-29
90度倾斜、180度翻转……最后那个镜头是《大吞噬》么。 最后一镜后来成了他自己公司的贴片logo。
米吐尔 2016-06-24