超能力人类原名:The Real Superhumans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic,
The Real Superhumans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic is a two hour long special from the Discovery Channel which aired in 2007. It follows **** people with what are described as "real life superhuman abilities", a geneticist who created the first chimera of two very different species of rodents, and a scientist on a mission to become immortal. The show was done in a comi...
淳子** 2011-03-29
为了剪这片子看了N遍快吐了总之... 叙事还是不错的。内容嘛...
Ho 2011-03-13
蕾蕾豆 2010-12-19
豆瓣猜错了 2012-11-18
私享史 2010-12-20
包装上乘,娱乐到死,观赏性很好,科学性很坏。Discovery偶尔也会贩卖伪科学或者坏科学,更《走近科学》啊。上回还看过一个神神叨叨的Past Lives: Stories of Reincarnation,扯淡轮回,把非主流科学研究包装成科学未解之谜,误导大众。