超级啾啾原名:Super Gidget,又名《爱宠大机密2》番外短片
When Max is kidnapped by an army of squirrels, Super Gidget is the only one who can save him. It turns out that Max's captor is a flea with the power of mind control. Gidget must use her pluckiness, strength and smarts to save her one true love - until it turns out it was all just a dream.
Panda的影音 2020-04-10
哇,才发现这部《爱宠大机密2》的番外短片。& 啾啾做梦梦到自己变身成超级英雄拯救麦克。https://***.bilibili****/video/av66247425
少侠兄 2020-04-11
Anderson. 2024-07-21
Dream about save Max!hahahahaha
额度多少 2022-01-17
Yahto 2020-05-07