


更新时间: 01-11 17:10

资源状态: 可播放








查理·布朗的情人节原名:A Charlie Brown Valentine,

Valentine's Day with the Peanuts gang: Charlie Brown tries to muster up the courage to ask the little red-haired girl to the school dance. Lucy demands kisses and chocolates from Schroeder. Snoppy writes bad poetry while Sally wants to make Linus her sweet baboo. Marcie grapples with her crush on Charlie Brown, and Peppermint Patty hopes Charlie Brown will take her as his date ...

凌子本凌 2018-02-09


脱*核糖十三 2015-02-14

Oh dear Linus, would you be mine valentine?

雁城 2023-12-06


若汐 2015-12-03

第三次见CB捡到红发小女孩(R)有咬痕的铅笔。又一次让Linus帮忙、在削铅笔刀处出丑、提R的美惹Lucy妒忌。“For nothing, you are really something",Linus says to CB。最后CB收到那一封**卡的出处,可能不是**、Marcie或Snoopy,很可能是Linus(看他表情)或R(1967年R就留纸条说喜欢CB)12/02/15

Panda的影音 2020-12-16

【2002年/双语字幕】查理·**的**节【夏末秋字幕组】:***.bilibili****/video/av1996432 —— -查理·**:昨天晚上我又梦见红发小女孩了。我本来可以跟她一起跳舞的。我现在整体都想着她,我好伤心。-莱纳斯:查理·**,我知道你的感受,你想哭但你出于男子汉气概不能哭。-查理·**:是吗?& 莱纳斯:查理·**,**节快乐。

Marci 2015-08-19

Dear Linus, would you like be mine valentine?

kinder23 2022-06-30

人见人爱Snoopy,无人理睬Charlie Brown。

HiddenWitch 2021-01-15

I'll never have the nerve to give it to her, anyway.

茄子要就冬瓜吃 2022-08-30

I miss you at 8:15, 11:45 and 9:36

萨嘎摩多熊猫桑 2015-09-20

我也觉得最后Charlie Brown收到的**节贺卡是Linus送的,so sweet!