Carretera y manta在线观看和下载

Carretera y manta(2000)

别名:To the End of the Road

演员: Carmen Maura Eduardo Noriega Natalia Verbeke




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《Carretera y manta》相关推荐

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《Carretera y manta》剧情内容介绍

《Carretera y manta》


Carretera y manta又名To the End of the Road

The story is about a petty criminal in Spain who is given a weekend leave to visit his girlfriend, and takes advantage of it to escape with her. The objective is France, where he has a friend who he thinks can **** him, but he has been in prison so long he does not know that there is no longer any border control and so he kidnaps a couple to **** him get across to France.

猫河蓝懒 2012-05-10
