Cabra Cega
A revolutionary, fighting against dictatorship in Brazil, is wounded in a gun-fight with the police, and is isolated in another man's apartment, where he meets a young woman who will change his life. A Movie about Despair, Lost Tenderness and Redemption. Cabra Cega tells the story of Thiago, a young marxist guerilla man that is severely injured during a confrontation with the B...
L'llariit 2021-03-25
剪入大量历史影像(el che出现两次),没多久我已联想到另一部只看过简介的西班牙电影la trinchera infinita,虚构部分恰好植入一位儿子殒命于franco政府****的邻居老妇和另一位同样郁郁而终的前feb军人