别名:It's Not Us
不是我们原名:To nie my,又名It's Not Us
We wanted to capture a surreal image of a wonderful town that completely froze suddenly. Not a living soul in the streets. It is as if the essence of life had been choked violently. A real tragedy is happening all around. There were days when a thousand people a day died of coronavirus in Italy.
YiQiao 2023-10-13
仿佛生命的本质被猛然扼杀 一场真正的悲剧正在四处发生 或许他们还是应该感受一下当时我们优秀的camp计划
海纳百川 2022-07-05
将声画分离用到极致。 2020世界永远的痛
五日下午* 2022-05-16
emepar 2022-04-26
看之前没看简介,还以为是the world under lockdown
Snfjd 2022-06-23
-影像实验(声影关系,声音的空间性) -微摇晃镜头(手持摄影机?) -不是我们 开头和结尾的窗户 影射心物关系 -声音 言说与存在 不在场 -景观社会-没有“我们” -很好的实验,10分钟足矣
饶骆 2022-05-21
一个内向的诗人 2024-06-02
春暖腹寒 2022-05-06
Not a living soul in the streets. It is as if the essence of life had been choked violently.