Burn Motherfucker, Burn!
Sacha Jenkins’s Burn Motherfucker Burn starts ****** connections right away, coming out of the credits with one of (too many) contemporary analogues for the King video: the 2015 cell phone footage of L.A. cops murdering unarmed African-American Charly “Africa” Keunang. From there, we’re bounced back to a distant counterpart, the harrowing story of the April 1962 police shooting...
bugz 2018-03-03
与同年的《LA 92》撞一起了,真不巧。原本也是部不错的纪录片,但货比货就得扔。本片,采访得人物,讨论的内容等等...还是略有不足。可能对比之下,会更明显吧...4星推荐。