不可能的相片原名:The Impossible Picture,
"Our memory is so unreliable - sometimes what we see might as well be the future." -Johanna F. What we see is the everyday life of a Viennese family in the 1950's, documented by 13-year-old Johanna, a childhood captured on 8mm film (or: a childhood as it might have been). Fragments of family history and family secrets; an apartment regularly visited by women, **** than men, c...
紅蓮の業火 2021-05-23
第二次世界大战后在奥地利的家庭生活看似平常:乔安娜(Johanna)接管了父亲的旧Super 8相机并观察了她的亲戚。妹妹,小狗科拉,母亲,祖父母,以及最重要的是,许多喝烈酒和抽烟的妇女一直**在公寓的“祖母烹饪***”。唯一的区别是人们实际上从不做饭,因为家庭保守秘密。在战后***,一个女孩用父亲的胶片相机记录了她的家庭生活和房屋中的**,父亲过早地去世了。拍摄主角Johanna患有小儿**症,因此她对房屋的感知始终受到限制。稀有1080P下载收藏