loved the show.. hands down Thank you for the passion creativity and relatability that the show brings me. We grew with the show. I grew with the show.
倪克斯 2021-12-28
庆幸现在火一点的show都会给意犹未尽的粉丝拍背后故事,虽然观众最后感受到的最重要,但同作为一个创作者,能体会到成品的背后有多少看不见的点滴。看到producer说真正的love story是issa和molly,主创和工作人员有多么爱整个剧组,这部剧给多少人打开了机会的门、打破黑人故事和LA的脸谱化描写,成为了文化符号和议题…love this show. pure black magic.
Lower_Classy 2022-01-09
Relatable, authentic, representative, and inspiring. 剧组拧成一股绳想做成一些事的氛围真的很打动人
...維 2021-12-30
insecure是今年最喜欢的电视剧之一 女**情+个人成长+城市之光+社会评论
三不 2022-01-03
loved the show.. hands down Thank you for the passion creativity and relatability that the show brings me. We grew with the show. I grew with the show.
倪克斯 2021-12-28
庆幸现在火一点的show都会给意犹未尽的粉丝拍背后故事,虽然观众最后感受到的最重要,但同作为一个创作者,能体会到成品的背后有多少看不见的点滴。看到producer说真正的love story是issa和molly,主创和工作人员有多么爱整个剧组,这部剧给多少人打开了机会的门、打破黑人故事和LA的脸谱化描写,成为了文化符号和议题…love this show. pure black magic.
Lower_Classy 2022-01-09
Relatable, authentic, representative, and inspiring. 剧组拧成一股绳想做成一些事的氛围真的很打动人