Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra在线观看和下载

Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra(2009)

演员: Bill Bailey The B.B.C. Concert Orchestra




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《Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra》


Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra原名:Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra,

Comedian and classically trained musician, Bill Bailey joins forces with the brilliantly versatile *** Concert Orchestra and musical maestro Anne Dudley, one of the UK’s most celebrated composers and arrangers. The show, recorded at London’s magnificent Royal Albert Hall, is Bill’s own uniquely hilarious and irreverent guide to the sounds, styles, and instruments of the orchest...

SONG 2010-02-13

:D **他晃铃铛时刻的纯真小样…… 黑书店里的Manny~~~

冬叶 2016-07-05

b站生肉 a tumultuous guide@RAH! absolutely brilliant and amusing~Bill is such a talented musician and comedian~



geoffero 2013-08-10

哎呦这货实在是太瑟得兮兮了!那位鼓手你好不专心啊老是听段子笑场XDDD。哎真想去次Albert Hall啊!!!

黑眼圈妈妈 2012-01-15

Best classic music guide I've ever seen.

N 2011-02-24

最喜欢的是How deep is ** love和Dr. who变奏!啊哈哈哈哈哈!另外他唱human slaves特别有范儿…

猩猩 2018-12-21

大叔太有才太酷了吧...不过摇铃铛那个找三个人来帮忙纯粹是为了搞笑好吗!三天前看大叔的现场encore了四五次,最后一次就一个人摇完了好大一段然后mic **** 蹦蹦跳跳地离场23333

Moonchild 2022-03-30

现在我处于开始听金属和听古典的交叉口,看Bill Bailey就格外享受。大概只有Bill Bailey可以做出这样featured multiinstruments和多样音乐风格的单口相声,dub版的唐顿庄园主题曲啦、铃铛版的nessun dorma啦、来自Swansea的dealth metal band、二胡和drum'n'bass啦,音乐粉大概会格外喜欢。单就这一场来说,更像是通过音乐来达到喜剧效果,非常聪明,不同风格之间的转化承接也顺畅。最近补了几场他的演出,叔果然还是我最想成为的人之一, musical, clever,witty,down-to-earth, good at sports (unexpectedly) and has the perfect pitch, also a feminist. 惊喜是Anne Dudley是指挥哦!

Doyle Frenger 2011-11-27

Doctor Qui?? 还有cow bell那段直接就笑桌子底下去了好么...可长知识了呢!

Nick Land 2017-05-03
