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Bickford Park(2017)

演员: 莲妮·芭拉班 帕特里克·约翰·科斯特洛 Daniel Policelli




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《Bickford Park》剧情内容介绍

《Bickford Park》


Bickford Park

After a chance encounter, a Toronto woman discovers she’d rather take skateboarding lessons from a handsome **** than contend with the grown-up complications in her marriage. Elegant black and white cinematography and terrific performances — including a charming lead turn by Liane Balaban — enrich this wry story about the challenges of adulthood.

红豆阿红豆 2018-05-20

每次飛機上最開心就是能看這些短片 女主很年輕呀 說是大學生我也信的 黑白的很漂亮 很無從選擇 大家都有想逃離自己生活卻不知該如何做的時候吧