

演员: Rubén Rojo Lina Rosales 何塞·瓜迪奥拉 曼努埃尔·萨尔索 José Sepúlveda

上映时间:1954(圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节) / 1955-01-31(西班牙)



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学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
末路狂花钱 贾冰、谭卓 5.7
1. 老板娘3/ 08-30
2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02




被诅咒的山脉原名:Sierra maldita,

A small Spanish town is divided between the upper and lower parts. The poor and the less-poor parts of the pueblo. In the 'upper' part, all the women are barren. Juan from the 'lower' part falls in love with Luz, a pretty girl from the upper side: a girl who must of course be barren. The lower town has orchards and a spring. The higher reaches of the town has only rubble. The m...

朋克大帝 2015-06-25

https://***.***********/watch?v=SHxASR7X6M0 在线地址