

别名:The Sealed Soil / Khake Sar Beh Mohr



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骑单车的人 Mahshid Afsharzadeh、Firouz Kiani 8.2
大地的年纪 Maurício do Valle、Jece Valadão 7.7
1. 安然无恙/ 09-28
2. 人前的安宁/ 10-01
6. 海浪/
7. 蓝色阴影下/ 10-02
8. 克汉达尔/ 12-02
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
11. 孤注一掷/ 02-02
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




被征用的土地原名:خاک مهر شده,又名The Sealed Soil、Khake Sar Beh Mohr

"The story of an 18-year-old Iranian girl (a fine performance by Flora Shabaviz( living in a poor village on the edge of a new town whose personality slowly breaks down under the pressure of modern and western influences. SHe refuses to get married and the new ideas of her younger sister and others eventually ****** an individuality and a pressure that erupts in an hysterical n...

只抓住6个 2017-11-28

**女性主义电影早期代表作,也是第一部女性导演的**故事片。Marva Nabili拍片不多,身上却有大师的影子。安静平稳,对白很少,基本以固定镜头拍摄,日常家务占据大部分时间,但背后内容却没那么简单。几个方面都很像Chantal Akerman的《让娜·迪尔曼》。