北新宿2055又名North Shinjuku 2055
An overly curious journalist sits face to face with a resident of the mysterious district of North Shinjuku. One is trying to understand the codes and unspoken truths of a closed community; the other gradually reveals his world. Daisuke Miyazaki (Yamato (California), Tourism, Videophobia) delivers an unorthodox, futuristic sci-fi full of recursive effects and false appearances....
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2023-08-12
这formally最特别的一部也可能是他最好懂(****一部。可能也没那么特别,就如同La Jetee,still image给人纪实感的同时也给出的是尘封于过往的滞留感,这适用于北新宿这个社群的状态,也是“记者”这个人物的命运归宿。
離家行動 2022-03-15
NanSLi 2021-10-21
nöui 2022-03-11
SH3056 2021-10-13
+0.5 原作:漢a.k.a.GAMI 音乐:菊地成孔
Methy 2022-03-22
宫崎大祐还蛮有意思,形式致敬马克影像又似森山大道镜头下的新宿。 漢a.k.a.GAMI 原作里新宿的意象都太古早(**、锁国、yakuza),对未来的想象力明显过于 hauntology,但由他和 D.O (竟然已经出狱了)这批 rapper来说/演还算有说*力。拍个短片算是恰到好处。