贝蒂戴维斯传原名:El último adiós de Bette Davis,又名W holdzie Bette Davis
'When Bette Davis bid farewell' is a documentary that reconstructs Bette Davis' visit to the San Sebastian Film Festival where she was awarded the Donostia prize in 1989. The actress spent six days in her room planning her public appearances down to the last detail: the award ceremony, an unforgettable press conference - When the festival finished Bette Davis decided to stay on...
徐小溪Xiaoxi🎬 2021-06-01
贝蒂.戴维斯最后一次公开亮相是在*****西班牙圣巴斯蒂安电影节上,当时她受邀去领终身成就奖。我的一位西班牙影评好友曾经就在这个电影节上采访过Bette Davis,他说当时贝蒂住的酒店旁边是一家很有名的电影院,刚好电影《蝙蝠侠》正在西班牙放映宣传,有一张很大的《蝙蝠侠》海报挂在戏院外。当时贝蒂站在窗口,望着窗对面的《蝙蝠侠》海报,对助理说以后不要再打开窗帘了,因为她不想看到电影的末日。