BBC:童婚的真相原名:The Truth About Child Brides,
Nel Hedayat goes on a compelling and revealing journey to find out what life is really like for a child bride. Across the world, 10 million girls a year marry under the age of 18. That's one every three seconds. Nel travels to India and Bangladesh, countries with two of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. She is no stranger to the idea of child marriage - her aunt...
味精 2016-02-11
**眼的敏敏 2016-02-11
冬叶 2016-04-25
非常沉重。女性歧视是印度文化里的一颗毒瘤 极贫家庭里的女性几乎被剥夺了生存机会 “当温饱都无法保证 教育是一种奢侈” 十二三岁的女孩面临的选择是结婚(很有可能面临家暴 难产而死/产后并发症病痛折磨)或工作养活自己支撑家庭(一周40个小时的体力活)只能两害相权取其轻了 想去NGO工作帮帮她们