



大数据看吧 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



哪吒之魔童闹海 吕艳婷、囧森瑟夫 8.5
角斗士2 保罗·麦斯卡、佩德罗·帕斯卡 6.4
1. 唐探1900/ 03-07
2. 忠犬八公/ 10-12
3. 女囚风暴1995/ 10-12
4. 老师,别哭/ 10-24





On the specific request of the Art Gallery of the Barbican Centre, Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, internationally known for their unique take on architecture, have settled for a month in the heart of one of the most impor-tant european art centre and most representative achievement of Brutalist architecture.  The film, built as a personal diary, recounts on a daily basis all what ...

|||||||||||| 2020-10-24

Sooooooo delicate little stories around people who lives in the Barbican Estate. Very touching and totally changed ** vision on architecture.

南野文 2023-01-18

22.11.14 (moviemovie:life is art)看前半段的时候直接深度睡眠,到后半段惊醒觉得越看越精彩然后懊悔不已;不过,这也许正是粗野主义带给我的感受!乍看是无聊、重复、死气沉沉,但是将隐匿在城市里的“粗野”角落连成故事,钢筋混凝土变得严肃而可爱,barbican is a life style!感谢这部片子让我知道建筑还可以这样被理解~~

linbenx 2023-06-03

Barbican architecture tour导游提到的影片,在vimeo租借的,没啥技术和美学,简单描绘了部分住户的生活状态和思想观念,但不多,让我非常感兴趣的是那位毛遂自荐的、想当演员的模特Ricky Gabbriellini(截图已上传),查了下,从这部纪录片拍摄以来,他参与了两部《星球大战》影片,还当了罗伯特帕丁森的替身,出现在《蝙蝠侠》和未上映的另一部影片中