Bajo mi piel morena在线观看和下载

Bajo mi piel morena(2019)

演员: Morena Yfran Maryanne Lettieri Emma Serna

上映时间:2019-11-14(阿根廷) / 2020-10-19(法国蓬皮杜中心)



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《Bajo mi piel morena》剧情内容介绍

《Bajo mi piel morena》


Bajo mi piel morena

Morena is a trans woman who lives together with her elderly mother, keeping a harmonious relationship. Morena has been working in a textile factory for several years. She has two transvestite friends, one of them is Claudia, who is a teacher and has just accessed to her first employment as substitute; another is the very young and beautiful Myriam, immersed in a maelstrom of ex...