摆脱自我原名:Rid of Me,
From writer/director James Westby (Film Geek, The Auteur) comes RID OF ME, a black comedy that follows Meris, an awkward young woman trying too hard to perfect her marriage, amongst a new group of friends. With a breakthrough lead performance by Katie O'Grady, and an ensemble that includes Art Alexakis (of Everclear) and Theresa Russell (Black Widow, Bad Timing), RID OF ME foll...
V_Lachesis 2012-12-19
你看月亮的脸 2013-07-03
李河星 2013-04-17
我只能定义为Cult片了 但为什么令人恐惧至极了 有人说看到30分钟就再也看不下去了 我只看了10分钟 怎么办可是我好想继续看下去 Ps:希望这部片子跟PJ Harvey没有任何关系吧。
用力撕 2012-11-06
尴尬的看到了自己...socially awkward...