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Ave Maria(1936)

别名:Ave maría

演员: Beniamino Gigli 克特·冯·纳吉 哈拉尔德·保尔森 Paul Henckels Erna Berger




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《Ave Maria》剧情内容介绍

《Ave Maria》


Ave Maria又名Ave maría。1936年剧情、音乐类型片,创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由约翰内斯·里曼执导,并由Georg C. Klaren任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Beniamino Gigli、克特·冯·纳吉、哈拉尔德·保尔森、Paul Henckels、Erna Berger、Carl Auen、Emmerich Hanus、Herbert Hübner、Jutta Jol、Roly Bock、Curt Cappi等著名实力派明星加盟。于1936-08-21(德国)公映。


An opera singer has had one ***** love in his life, that for a devoted french-girl who died. He comes to Paris for his annual visit to her grave on the anniversary of her death, but is forced to go through with a concert his ******* had arranged without his knowledge. The ******* visits a shady night club and, while intoxicated, drops information to a hard-boiled entertainer an...