August Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand在线观看和下载

August Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand(2015)

演员: Horace V. Rogers August Wilson




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《August Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand》剧情内容介绍

《August Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand》


August Wilson: The Ground on Which I Stand

Explore the life and legacy of August Wilson, the playwright some call America's Shakespeare, who chronicled the 20th-century black experience. Features James Earl Jones, Phylicia Rashad, Laurence Fishburne, Viola Davis, new dramatic readings and rare footage.

[Deleted] 2021-01-21

剧作家August Wilson的创作生涯对于匹兹堡、**裔艺术文化传播推广的影响力,影视改编除了钢琴课(The Piano Lesson, 1995)藩篱 (Fences, 2016) ,去年上映的蓝调天后(** Rainey's Black Bottom,2020) 一样展示了足够的戏剧张力