别名:As Rosas da Estrada
一种选择原名:Aopção,又名As Rosas da Estrada
已故**先锋电影大师Candeias的黑白实验片,获瑞士**诺**电影节铜豹奖。Candeias被认为是**的“边缘电影”之父。 Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias (1918.11.5 - 2007.2.8): THE FATHER OF "CINEMA MARGINAL" Brazilian Filmmaker Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias who died, at age 84, yesterday, February 8, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from respiratory insufficiency, was first of all a rebel. He was known as the father of the Marginal Cinema, a film movemen...
只抓住6个 2018-11-09
看画质,知冷门。**“边缘电影”(Cinema Marginal)之父Candeias较晚期的公路片,但感觉还是跟刚拍电影时一样放任自流,人物靠行动说话,台词很少。如题所示,弃良从*也是主角的一种选择。几个代表镜头都因**而不宜展示。