入围第24届塔林黑夜电影节主竞赛。 Armugan is a man in the mountains, accompanied by the vast sky, the sheep and a personal aide. Armugan has a movement disability. His aide Anchel has worked in the palliative care unit at a hospital. When Armugan is called, Anchel helps him down from the mountains to the one who needs his assistance. Armugan is a Finisher. People are afraid of him, as they sen...
耐观影-Xavier 2020-11-25
#塔林电影节主竞赛第十四部# 充满哲思的一部影片,在对白不多的黑白影像中告诉观众什么是死亡,该如何接受并从容面对死亡,就像出生一样,每个人都会经历,无从逃避
杨浦小囡 2021-07-06
林晔 2021-05-11
6.5# 用黑白构筑的生命终结者 DAFFM