艾琳·沃诺斯:美国女夜魔原名:Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeywoman,又名美国女妖、行骗女杀手
Based on Aileen Wuornos's early life, America's most notorious female serial killer, back in 1976 a young Aileen arrives in Florida searching for a new life that will **** her escape her tragic past, marries a wealthy Yacht Club president and has the chance to start again as part of Florida's high society. But tormented by inner demons she surrenders to her murderous ...
@大月半子 2021-10-10
米芽Miaaaa_o 2023-04-06
不像惊悚片,更像是人物传记片,说是美国臭名昭著的女连环**?但其实电影并没有将她的心理**解释的很清楚,大概是父亲或者是爷爷****她和**,还让他们两**吧,以致于心理**?但是母亲又说她遗传了父亲的躁郁症,并没有将她的人格解释的太清楚。 而且女二真的太引狼入室了,还敢独自跟女主斗,挺迷惑的。(又是无字幕观看,但是没什么生词,还挺**的)
老刘氓 2021-10-12