Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Jonathan在线观看和下载

Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Jonathan(1956)

演员: 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 科里·艾伦 耶奥甘·约翰逊




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《Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Jonathan》剧情内容介绍

《Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Jonathan》


Alfred Hitchcock Presents:Jonathan

Gil Dalliford has an unnaturally close relationship to his father, whom he calls by his first name, Jonathan. "Every important moment of ** life is a moment I had with Jonathan," he says. But after eighteen years of being a widower, Jonathan finds he's ready to settle down with a new wife. Before Gil even meets her, he declares his everlasting hatred for her. And that hatred on...

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annie 2017-11-17

3.5 这个儿子和父亲之间的关系,已经僭越了一般的父子亲情。儿子不愿意叫自己的爸爸为「father」,而是长期叫他名字;不愿意交同龄人朋友;对父亲的再婚妻子从心底生发恨意;任何事情只想和父亲一起做。很典型的**和恋父情节了,而且再加上同性对立;心理背景值得玩味。