爱之夜原名:Manifesto,又名A Night of Love
This film deftly combines black comedy with sharp political satire. Set in a fictional Eastern European town called Waldheim, a place "where nothing is what it seems," the action is centered around a visiting king, in whom many people are very interested for a variety of reasons. Assassination and lust figure prominently on their minds. This is another racy and idiosyncratic po...
paradiso 2019-05-25
卡司天南地北颇为神奇,想看很多年找到了vhsrip却蛮失望的,不晓得左拉小说啥样只看到电影里角色拉拉杂杂对当权规训讽刺得直白幼稚,狂和性暴露依旧却没一个可爱或有趣的角***主是个要刺杀国王的**党平时却陷在跟Rade叔演的男佣人的**关系里,Eric Stoltz是接盘的邮局小哥,前浪死在床脚下不过后浪也很倒霉- - 男**党被罚走的人体仓鼠轮设计不错,拉倒雕像后("马没问题,可以留")**摆**照片不错
Sydney 2021-11-01
不着调但看得下去 小邮差很可一看 **从车窗往外看时他低下的头后又追随的眼神 写了二十七封不敢寄出的信 罗密欧般爬上阳台 顾客花粉过敏会礼貌地说bless you “there's no shame in love” 可惜这是个无厘头所以没有什么古典爱情壮烈** 于是小邮差连带跌下水 ***飘扬着红围巾在火车顶持枪出手 **的几处**戏实在很令人迷茫 搞**成了副业 **边的冰淇凌推车真是美好 把自己锁起来的体育老师也真是用生命在搞笑 大火中奔跑的小白鼠 开头和结束的小动画都很可爱 名字字卡里开小花花
Icarus 2021-08-25
拉德hot daddy 为了找片花了两小时