艾丽莎,我之爱原名:Elisa, vida mía,又名Elisa, My Love
On the heels of his award-winning Cria cuevos (Raise Ravens), Spanish filmmaker Carlos Saura dashed off the muted psychological drama Elisa, ** Love. Geraldine Chaplin stars as Elisa, who after an absence of 20 years is reunited with her father, Fernando Rey (in a superb performance, which won him the Cannes Film Festival "Best Actor" prize ). Having just divested herself of an...
一凡 2023-04-02
第四公民 2014-04-19
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2021-11-15
有关孤独,对他人的责任,以及一点freudian恋父暗示之类的常见元素。但绍拉标志性的时空转接在这里特别地模糊了现实与过往,想象,虚构的边界,使全片成为了诸多不可靠叙述不确定叙述主体互有来往的媒介,which is unique and fascinating。以及这部的人物情感at times十分炙热almost bergman-ish. Watch it at ****://rarefilmm****/2018/04/elisa-vida-mi%c2%ada-1977/
只抓住6个 2024-04-21