

别名:A Flower in the Mouth

演员: 欧斯莫·普契尼 达利·本萨拉赫




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一年,一夜 纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯卡亚特、诺米·梅兰特 5.8
2. 昏迷/ 06-27
3. 记忆净土/ 12-27
4. 倒带与播放/ 02-20
6. 想象之光/ 11-13
7. 壮游/ 05-06
8. 暂停时光/ 01-26
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




口中花原名:Une fleur à la bouche,又名A Flower in the Mouth

A Flower in the Mouth is a film diptych about time running out and how to live through the days that remain. The first act, filmed as an observational documentary in the world’s largest flower ******, follows millions of bouquets transiting through a cavernous refrigerated hangar to be sold at auction, an industrial process at once both beautiful and terrifying. The film transi...

Q影誌 2022-02-12

#Berlinale72论坛 非常别致的话剧改编

咯咯精 2022-01-21


Methy 2022-02-20

半部observational doc半部小品话剧。前半段鲜花的物流可以直接拉成怀斯曼式长片。后半段里的巴黎比主竞赛那部里的更吸引人一点,一些flaneur的余晖。

阿塔尼 2022-03-03

把荷兰鲜花工业的纪录片和Luigi Pirandello大约一百年前讽刺资本体系的戏剧毫无关联得组织在一起以达到复杂性,还行吧概念挺有意思。

Kassy 2023-05-08

Death passed ** way, and stuck his flower in ** mouth.

raesiki 2022-02-22

* the man with the flower in his mouth by luigi pirandello

天若 2022-02-18

因为说的是法语所以我忍受了大段的台词,,正经地说,是一部适合一个人静静看了,等待日后突如其来的deja vu带来朦胧触动的片子。

冷曦瞳 2022-02-14
