Actors on Actors - Cate Blanchett and Ian McKellen
After journeying to Middle-earth together for the “Lord of the Rings” movies, Cate Blanchett and Ian McKellen are playing **** grounded roles in this year’s films. In “Mr. Holmes,” McKellen stars as the famous detective in old age. Blanchett pulls double duty in “Carol,” as a 1950s housewife who falls for a younger woman; and in “Truth,” in which she plays embattled “60 Minutes...
Antebellumua 2016-02-27
谈话质量最高的一期Actors on Actors💙
雪莱 2018-09-29
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-02-22
「If I'm not good at acting, I'm not good at anything else.」「It was like when we first went the middle-earth which is where we met first right? → Not many people can say that. We both ****** middle-earth.」
nordgreen 2018-04-30
看这两位说话真是舒适。被Ian说的那句话打动,If I am not good at acting, I am not good at anything else. 能感受到那是一个来自非常优秀的人的危机感和迷茫感,那一时刻觉得,原来这么优秀的**是这样子的啊,给了自己一点点心理安*。而生而为人,真的局限,做的再多也只是那么一点点。
少女阿莲 2018-05-18
费德里科维奇 2017-01-11
超级棒 超级迷人的二位演员 两个人都在闪闪发光
岸辺露伴 2018-09-08
DJ 2016-12-31
这集并没有太大特色。相比之下,Will Smith&Benicio Del Toro, Dev Patel&Octavia Spencer, Hailee Steinfeld&Sally Field, Paul Dano&Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin&J.K.Simons, Clive Owen, *** Hanks&Viola Davis, Jennifer Aniston&Emily Blunt, Hugh Grant&ColinFarrell, Jackson&Keaton...
好公民库尔** 2018-09-22
俩人都是玩梗高级专家;另,仔细舔的时候发现我魔提起自己老公真是溢于言表的爱呐……HOLY ****,记得神奇女侠里男猪挂掉的时候简直乐死了。不过还是希望我魔永远幸福……
RITA 2016-12-06
McKellen非常直接 然而Blanchett总有些奉承嫌疑 另外他们说演员在多年生涯后演技只可能越变越好 这话Depp该如何听呢